Today marks a change for me as I enter three months of rest, reflection and renewal. It’s officially called Extended Ministerial Development Leave, commonly called a Sabbatical and definitely not a holiday! Those who ask Bella if she will enjoy her holiday over the next three months are likely to be (lovingly) clouted!
For me I start from a place where the gauges of my life are mostly at Empty. I am incredibly grateful to God for keeping me going over the past few months when I have been drawing on the depths at the bottom of the barrel. It’s very humbling to find that something that you’ve brought out of the cupboard from the past as an easy way of preaching or ministering is appreciated as something new and helpful by those who receive it. God is good!
My prayer, and I hope some will join me in this, is that over the next three months God will move the gauges from empty to full, Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically (maybe at a cost to the financial but we have a great God who I know will provide).
I will be starting with the physical as I rest and reflect – and join a gym! Yes, for the first time in my life I’m joining a gym over the next few weeks (lots of encouragement needed please!). A number of years ago a senior minister in a large church said as a side comment that you’ve got to be fit to be involved in Christian ministry for the long term. I now know what he meant as I am aware how unfit I am and how this effects so many other parts of my life.
As I reflect I will also start to read and re-read a number of books. Some I’ve read before and others have been on my shelf for many months. The first is a book by my brother on the image of God in us as the foundation for faith and ministry. I’ve already made a start and will plan to post reflections as I read each book.
I’m really looking forward to my time in Redding at Bethel Church (something Bella’s not looking forward to!). This will be a time in a totally different culture and setting, a time of retreat away from all the normal routines and contacts and a time to be open to God and learn from a church community that has experience of God’s love and power at work in and through them.
After the end of my sabbatical (yes that’s right this happens in May after my sabbatical has officially finished), I am looking forward to a life changing two weeks on pilgrimage in the Holy Land. I am fortunate to be able to go with members of The Order of Mission as together we experience the footsteps of Jesus.
I’m sure the next few days will seem strange as I and those at St Paul’s make the adjustment, but I look forward in anticipation to all that God has in store. I will try to post here fairly regularly to let you know what I’m up to.