Blogs Links & Quotable Quotes

Here is my weekly roundup of things I’ve been reading and quotes that I thought I’d pass on.

The first blog post is a MUST READ:

  • The Pastors Wife is Simply a Wife – This is a really helpful article explaining something that very few people understand. Why then, when I posted this on Facebook, was it only liked by my wife and another minister’s wife!

Here are other things I’ve been reading/watching that I found interesting:

 And here are some quotable quotes:

  • ‘The only thing that Christianity cannot be is moderately important.’ C.S. Lewis
  • ‘Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.’
  • Are you an Anglican or an Anglican’t?
  • “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.” Mother Teresa
  • The average man or woman laughs 6 times a day. The average child laughs 150 times a day. Jesus encourages us to be more like children.
  • Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.
  • Jesus promised his disciples 3 things: to be ‘absurdly happy, completely fearless, and in constant trouble.’

One thought on “Blogs Links & Quotable Quotes

  1. Thank you Sandy for posting the article on a pastors wife………….an answer to prayer me thinks.

    Even though I have never been a pastor’s wife, for many years I often ‘served’ my Lord, according to other people’s needs, desires and expectations of me, which led to exhaustion and a burdened walk with the Lord, not a pleasant place to be in……….but Praise the Lord He lifted me up , stripped me of all I had become and made me anew, where with God’s Spirit within me, I now am enabled to live to please and enjoy my Lord

    My role as a Christian now, is not to please ‘man’ but to please God FIRST, but surely this will mean good things for God’s Kingdom on earth.

    Bella, enjoy being Sandy’s wife and more so, God’s precious child.

    May He Bless you both

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