Monthly Archives: September 2013

What is The Gospel?


This summer I have had the opportunity to read and reflect. As I started there were two questions in my mind: What is The Gospel? And: What is a disciple, how do I become one and how do I help other become disciples? Over the weeks another question has arisen that is intimately associated with my first two questions: What is the Kingdom?

Over the next few weeks, time permitting, I will be collecting my thoughts and responses together and posting them here.

To help get started, and before I let you know my own thoughts, I’d be really interested in how you would describe The Gospel or he Good News. I’d greatly value as many responses as possible, either as comments on my blog, or as comments on the Facebook posts that link to this blog.

Please let me know your response, (and it might give me some idea how many actually read what I write!).