August 2 – John 6:25-59
What does Jesus as the bread of life mean to you? How does this connect to your understanding of Communion?
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Thought for the day:
What does Jesus as the bread of life mean to you? How does this connect to your understanding of Communion?
Consider the role food has played in shaping your faith today.
Where does this passage challenge your faith?
What do these stories of healing reveal about God?
What most catches your attention in this scene? Throughout the scene the Samaritan woman grows in her understanding of Jesus. Who has helped you grow in your understanding of Jesus?
“He must increase, but I must decrease”. What needs to decrease in our lives in order for God to have a greater presence?
What do you think it means to be born from above?
Jesus dramatically cleanses the temple. What does this passage say to congregations and communities of faith?
The Wedding at Cana is Jesus’ first miracle. Turning the water into wine is the first of seven signs in the Gospel of John. What does this sign tell us about God?
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nathaniel’s questions is refreshing in its directness. Where are the areas and communities from which you would be surprised to find God? Where are the areas and communities you expect to find God present?