Category Archives: Reading John

We are reading John together in July – August 2014

Reading John over the Summer

Hi All,

Been a little while since I posted something on here, that’s about to change! Over this Summer St Paul’s and Whiteley Church will be reading John’s Gospel together to see what God says to us. The set of readings are below, copies of this and Audio CDs are available from the back of St Paul’s church building and from Whiteley Church. The link to the audio will also be posted each day on our church Facebook page and on our church website.

In addition I’m planning a little bonus to get us thinking each day (at least that’s the plan). Check back here each day from Wednesday or, if you receive the emails look out for mine early each morning. If your not part of St Paul’s please feel free to join in (or you can unsubscribe from the emails if you think that one every day is too much for a month and a half!).

Details of the passage for each day, a link to the audio and the bonus content will also be posted to Facebook each day.

Please comment as we go along, I look forward to journeying with you through John.

Reading John


July 23: John 1:1-28
Notice the way the Gospel of John opens with the memorable phrase, “In the beginning…”, like the book of Genesis does and not a birth story about Jesus. What might the writer hope to tell us about God by opening the Gospel this way?

July 24: John 1:29-51
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nathaniel’s questions is refreshing in its directness. Where are the areas and communities from which you would be surprised to find God? Where are the areas and communities you expect to find God present?

July 25: John 2:1-12
The Wedding at Cana is Jesus’ first miracle. Turning the water into wine is the first of seven signs in the Gospel of John. What does this sign tell us about God?

July 26: John 2:13-25
Jesus dramatically cleanses the temple. What does this passage say to congregations and communities of faith?

July 27: John 3:1-21
What do you think it means to be born from above?

July 28: John 3:22-36
“He must increase, but I must decrease”. What needs to decrease in our lives in order for God to have a greater presence?

July 29: John 4:1-42
What most catches your attention in this scene? Throughout the scene the Samaritan woman grows in her understanding of Jesus. Who has helped you grow in your understanding of Jesus?

July 30: John 4:43–5:15
What do these stories of healing reveal about God?

July 31: John 5:16-47
Where does this passage challenge your faith?

August 1: John 6:1-24
Consider the role food has played in shaping your faith today.

August 2: John 6:25-59
What does Jesus as the bread of life mean to you? How does this connect to your understanding of Communion?

August 3: John 6:60–7:9
“This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” What part of Jesus’ teaching do you find hard to accept. Can you reply with Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

August 4: John 7:10-36
The Pharisees and Chief priest send temple police to go and try to arrest Jesus. Based on your reading, why do some people want to arrest Jesus?

August 5: John 7:37-52
Some say Jesus is a prophet. Others say Jesus is the Messiah. Who do you say Jesus is?

August 6: John 8:1-30
How has Jesus been a light in your life? Where have you witnessed God bringing light into the world?

August 7: John 8:31-59
Jesus says the truth will make you free. What does the freedom Jesus speak of look like?

August 8: John 9:1-41
In ancient times sickness and disease were associated with a person who sinned or whose parents had sinned. What does this section say to us about sin and disease?

August 9: John 10:1-42
If you Google “Jesus and the Good Shepherd” you will find plenty of images. How do you picture Jesus?

August 10: John 11:1-27
Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life”. How might Martha understand this prior to Jesus’ death and resurrection at the end of the Gospel?

August 11: John 11:28-57
Plans are made to arrest Jesus in this section. Take note of who is involved in planning for Jesus’ arrest. What questions does this section raise for you?

August 12: John 12:1-19
Jesus enters Jerusalem to waving palm branches and shouts of Hosanna. Does this have anything to say about how we worship Jesus today?

August 13: John 12:20-50
Jesus comes to save the world, not judge the world. What are some ways as the body of Christ, the Church, participates in saving the world?

August 14: John 13:1-20
Would you let Jesus wash your feet? Would you be willing to wash someone else’s feet to carry out Jesus’ instruction? Why or why not?

August 15: John 13:21-38
The new commandment is to love one another. How have you been loved in the past week? Where can you go ahead and share God’s love with someone this week?

August 16: John 14:1-14
This section is often read at funerals and memorial services. Why do you think it would be chosen for a funeral? What Bible passages do you want read at your funeral?

August 17: John 14:15-31
God’s peace is given to us. When have you experienced God’s peace in your life?

August 18: John 15:1-17
In what ways does the image of the vine and branches help you understand your connectedness to God and God’s people?

August 19: John 15:18–16:24
What does it mean for you to give witness or testimony of your faith?

August 20: John 16:25-33
Jesus says he will see us again. What does this statement mean to you?

August 21: John 17:1-26
Jesus prays for his disciples. Jesus is praying for you. Do you ever consider Jesus praying to the Father for you? How might this help your own practice of prayer?

August 22: John 18:1-14
This section begins the sequence of Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Each reading moves us closer to Jesus’ death and resurrection. As you read pay attention to what is included here and note what is not included.

August 23: John 18:15-40
What is truth? Who is Jesus?

August 24: John 19:1-16
Jesus is handed over to be crucified. Isiah 53:5 says “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” How has the suffering of Jesus brought peace and healing to you?

August 25: John 19:17-30
It is finished. What had Jesus finished and how does that affect you today?

August 26: John 19:31-42
Jesus’ body is taken and prepared for burial. Both Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were important Jewish leaders. Why do you think they took it upon themselves to arrange for the burial of Jesus’ body?

August 27: John 20:1-18
Jesus is Risen. I have seen the Lord. Imagine you encountered the risen Jesus, who is the first person you would run and tell?

August 28: John 20:19-31
Jesus appears and Thomas is not present. What would be the difference between doubt and not believing?

August 29: John 21:1-14
Jesus appears to the disciples after they return to fishing. Where does Jesus show up in your day to day living?

August 30: John 21:15-19
Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep. Jesus speaks these words to Peter who denied him three times. Since God is willing to use Peter who denies Jesus, how might God’s work be carried out using your hands?

August 31: John 21:20-25
“Peter turned and saw the other disciple …” How often do you look back at others instead of looking forward where Jesus is leading you? How can you keep your eyes on Jesus today?